Kevin O'Farrell Brown

Corporate Identity

Course Description

The role of communication design in creating a comprehensive corporate identity program is the focus of this course. An analysis of corporate objectives and practical applications will be the basis for developing a structured corporate identity system, including logo design and other business communication applications. Students will conduct an in-depth systematic study of the creation of a Corporate Identity Standards Manual. Students will study and analyze effective Corporate Identity systems through case studies.

Project Scope
  1. Students chose a client organization and at least four competitors to research.
  2. From their research, they produced a creative brief summarizing the direction of and reasoning for their design approach.
  3. Using the creative brief, they developed a trademark for the organization.
  4. Using the trademark, they designed a business card, letterhead and #10 envelope design.
  5. Using the mark and stationery, they developed at least five additional collateral items that work as a cohesive collection.
  6. Using the mark, stationery and additional materials, they developed a Corporate ID Guide for the organization.

Size: Guide & Collateral (open), Stationery (standard sizes)

Material: Digital Print

Product Graphics

Course Description

Graphic design principles will be applied to the development of 3-D packaging. This course will explore packaging materials, production techniques, processes and industry guidelines for surface treatments of product design in the context of today’s marketplace. Assignments will demonstrate the functionality of packaging, from identification of a product to its consumer appeal.

Project Scope

Using the descriptions and names provided, students developed unique label designs for four beer bottle labels. The goal was to produce a visual concept that tied the group together as originating from the same brewery, yet was flexible enough to allow for expansion of the breweries line of offerings.


Size: Open (within standards)

Material: Digital Print

Publication Design

Course Description

This course examines the graphic designers' role in the layout and design of publications. Lectures and studio work cover current practices and technologies used to produce multipage documents. The assignments will be typographically oriented with a combination of images, color and texture as well as typographical relationship problem solving to the subject of the publication.

Project Scope
Annual Report

Students chose from a selection of publicly traded corporations and then redesigned and produced a full-scale annual report using existing content. A few weeks out from the end of the quarter, I switched out major portions of the text, and they needed to update the content and layout.


Size: Open (within standards)

Material: Digital Print