Kevin O'Farrell Brown


  • Investor Presentations
  • Promotional Photography

Adaptation is Key

A lot can be said for being in the right place at the right time. After a year or so of attending some wonderful dinners and engaging conversations with a small group of marketing colleagues, I received a group email. A member of our group was inquiring if any of us had worked with a relatively new presentation software called Prezi. After a few exchanges it became clear that no one had.

Curious about the program and looking to do some work with a friend, I took a quick look and found it to be relatively quick to pick up. I reached out to my friend, informed them I had scoped out the program and thought I might be able to help with their project.

Though we only used the Prezi software for one presentation we ended up working on a few presentations together and I was even asked to do some headshots for some new hires.